Jenny graduated from the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne in 1998 and subsequently undertook Vocational Training in General Dental Practice. She continued to work in general practice for a further two further years and later rotated through hospital appointments firstly within the Restorative Department of The University Dental Hospital of Manchester and later in the Oral and Maxillofacial and Orthodontic Departments at Luton and Dunstable Hospital. At the same time she continued with her academic studies and successfully gained her MFDS in 2002 at The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
In recognition of her experience, Jenny was appointed Senior Dentist at Northamptonshire PCT and Honorary Clinical Assistant at St George’s Hospital in Tooting and in 2008, she was selected to undertake Specialist training in Endodontics at the Eastman Dental Institute.
Having gained this prestigious post, Jenny subsequently Registered as a Specialist Endodontist in 2011 having gained her Master of Clinical Dentistry in Endodontics and a Diploma of Membership in Restorative Dentistry. Jenny has since combined working in Specialist Practice with postgraduate teaching at the Eastman UCLH. As Honorary Clinical Lecturer and Specialty Doctor in Endodontology, she is closely involved in teaching dentists undergoing Endodontic Specialist training as well as mentoring general dental practitioners in the endodontic management of their own patients and the training of dental nurses assisting in endodontic procedures.
In clinical practice Jenny enjoys working closely with her referring dentists to provide a highly skilled endodontic service for patients. She has wide experience in treating patients with many restorative problems and is happy to participate in the overall planning and execution of combined restorative treatment for patients who present with complex dental needs. Having worked in general practice for a number of years, as well as within the community service, she is sympathetic to the needs of general practitioners and the problems that they and their patients might face in the treatment of complex cases.