A consultation with a Specialist usually includes simple intra-oral x-rays, clinical photographs and study casts where necessary and also includes any written reports to the patient and the referring clinician. On some rare occasions, additional fees may be necessary to meet any laboratory fees for patient’s requiring input from other specialists or dental technicians, but you will be informed of this in advance if this is likely.
We offer restorative and prosthodontic treatment to treat tooth decay, broken \ teeth or teeth that are breaking down. We offer a bespoke service where we will discuss all of the available treatment options. Once we have agreed the preferred treatment plan with you, we present a detailed and costed treatment plan that addresses the problems and your concerns appropriately. Typical services are Removable Prosthodontics, Crowns and Bridges, Veneers, Fillings, etc.
Periodontitis. It starts with an initial consultation including a detailed examination, comprehensive X-rays, a detailed discussion and formulation of a treatment plan. This may also involve co-ordinating some parts of the treatment with the patients own general dental practitioner. A multi-staged treatment stabilises the disease by removing the major causes of periodontitis and includes patient education to remove plaque from the tooth-gum junction and removing mature plaque from under the gum line while the patient is numb. In more advanced cases periodontal surgery may be required. We also carry out gum surgery to cover exposed roots and as part of a cosmetic treatment plan to improve the smile.
In almost every case Endodontic treatment (root canal treatment) is carried out under local anaesthetic to ensure a patient's comfort. It can often be completed in one or two visits. After treatment the patient will need to return to the referring dentist who will often place a crown or other restoration on the tooth to restore it to its full function. We also offer root canal re-treatment where they tooth has a recurrent infection or a surgical procedure called root end resection.
Ashley House can offer various treatments to straighten teeth and improve the smile. The aims of orthodontic treatment are to create an attractive smile and enhance overall facial appearance, improve function and maintain dental health. This includes creating adequate space for replacement of missing teeth with bridges or implants or straightening teeth which have drifted often as a result of gum disease. Custom made orthodontic appliances can also be used for the treatment of snoring and to improve symptoms of mild sleep apnoea.
Our specialists can place dental implants (made from titanium) to replace single missing teeth or for multiple tooth replacement as well as providing support for a denture. Implant surgery is usually performed under local anaesthetic, although sedation can be arranged for long or complex procedures or according to patient preference. Then we enter the Restorative Phase which involves the recording of impressions and the relationship between the opposing jaws before making the final prosthesis. This may take several appointments over a number of weeks depending on the complexity of the case. Finally the essential maintenance phase that require long-term care of an implant which is generally no different from conventional dentistry. It is important to maintain the level of oral hygiene as high as possible and to attend for periodic check-ups and X-rays.
Our surgical services include dental extractions, exposure of buried teeth for orthodontic bonding of brackets, apicectomy, cyst removal and soft tissue surgery. We are also able to help patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD).
Please discuss with your dentist if this is something you are interested in.
Dermal fillers restore lost volume adding support to soft tissue structures creating softer contours giving a fresher more youthful look.